HURRICANE - A hurricane is a tropical cyclone in which the maximum average wind speed near a centre or eye exceeds 74 mph or 119 Km/h.
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Know What is a Hurricane


A hurricane is a tropical cyclone in which the maximum average wind speed near the centre (the “eye”) exceeds 74mph or 119Km/h. They are natural weather systems formed over warm seas when hot air from the surface is transferred upwards and condenses. This condensation forms clouds which spiral as the earth rotates. The winds rotate in an anti-clockwise direction around a region of low pressure. In the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific areas, these weather systems are called Hurricanes, in the Western Pacific they are referred to as Typhoons, and in the Indian Ocean – Cyclones.


The term tropical cyclone is used by the World Meteorological Organisation to define weather systems developing over tropical or subtropical waters in which winds exceed 34 knots or 63km/h; they are given names for easier identification and tracking.

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Hurricane season in the Atlantic lasts from June 1st to November 30th.
Tropical storms are given male and female names because this makes them easier to track. Before 1979 though, they only had female names.
A tropical storm becomes a hurricane when its winds reach 74 mph or higher.
Hurricanes are grouped into 5 categories according to their strength. Category 5 hurricanes are the strongest.
The “eye” is the centre of the hurricane and is the calmest part.
Slow moving hurricanes produce more rain and can cause more damage from flooding.
Putting tape on windows and glass will not stop them from breaking during a hurricane.
The word hurricane comes from the word Hurakan. Hurakan is the name of the Mayan god of wind and fire.