Know what to not do DURING AND AFTER a Tsunami.
Do not stay in low-lying coastal areas after a strong earthquake has been felt.
Do not wait for all of the natural warning signs (strong shaking, withdrawal of the sea, strange roar of the sea) to occur before leaving the beach.
Do not wait for an official warning before evacuating; authorities may not have enough time to issue a Tsunami Warning.
If a Tsunami Warning is issued, NEVER go down to the beach to watch the waves come in.
Do not try to surf the tsunami.
If you are on a vessel in deep water and a tsunami warning has been issued, do not return to port. Vessels are safer from tsunami damage whilst in the deep ocean (>200 fathoms, 1200 ft, 400 m).
If you own a boat, do not risk your life and attempt to motor it into deep water if it is too close to wave arrival time. Anticipate slowdowns caused by traffic gridlock and hundreds of other boaters heading out to sea.
Do not return to the beach until an “all-clear” is issued by a recognized authority e.g. your local disaster management office.